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Free Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Sundays 3-345pm at NuPower
Learn more at:

Next Trauma-Sensitive Yoga training is January 18th, 2025 at NuPower Yoga in Nashville, TN--Click here to join:

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TSY) is a practice to aid survivors in exploring our bodies, breath and thoughts with in a safe environment. We move through a series of shapes and movements that may help us connect to our sensations and tensions.  Many times participants have shared it helps them feel safer in their bodies because they have explored yoga shapes and know where to go, developing choice and empowering them to sometimes stay longer or move to a new place in the practice.   


Some private TSY participants have wanted to weave the Word (scripture) and a drisht (gaze) fixed on Jesus is part of the process.  However, this is not required.  We can always have intentions that focus on sacred words/concepts: recovery, hope, love, security, worth, gratitude or heal.


You are the driver of your own practice in Trauma-Sensitive.  I will guide and suggest but not command movements.  Every form is your choice and modifications will be given.  Think of TSY as an anchor that allows you to swim and then come back to a place of security (the anchor yoga form of comfort to you) or challenge/explore by swimming to another shape.


Currently, I'm facilitating recurring, secular TSY practices at NuPower Yoga - click below:


 NuPower Yoga -- all are welcome to join.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


—  Hebrews 4:12

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